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Grain dryer.Don't want to lose money? Order the dryer for the next year now.
negotiated  sale
Coming crisis, inflation. In a short time.All that you earned this summer will go again "down the drain". We offer you the option of saving your money. If you need a grain Elevator, grain cleaning, grain dryer,
Ukraine, Kyiv
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How to save the harvest? Grain dryers LLC NICK. No analogues in the world.
negotiated  sale
Don't want to lose half of the harvest? Buy from us the dryer! We have dryers to suit every taste. New and BOO. Grain dryers vacuumns mobile . Factory price. Recent advances science and technology in drying
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Automotive spare parts from the manufacturer
negotiated  sale
LLC "Agrokompleks welcomes You - our current and future partners, expresses its sincere respect, and invites to cooperation on the most favorable terms for You. During our work on the aftermarket, we have
Ukraine, Zaporiz'ka Oblast', Melitopol'
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Seed cleaning machine CM-4
30 000 UAH  sale
Seed cleaning machine CM-4 is designed for cleaning and sorting of cereals, legumes, technical, oil crops and grass seed used for sowing, and for food purposes. The machine cleans and sorts the grain material
Ukraine, Khersons'ka Oblast', Kherson
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Rink gear-ringed KPC 6 - 01
negotiated  sale
In the agricultural sector uses a variety of agricultural practices for soil, the main objective of which is to increase the harvest. The company "Agroreserve involved in the sale of agricultural machinery, which
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Universal disk unit type UDA
negotiated  sale
Units brand UDA designed to handle soils of all types to a depth of 5...18 see for sowing cereal crops, one - and perennial grasses, sunflower, corn. Since the aggregates are crushed and mixed soil without reversing
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Unit pochvoobrabatyvayuschie disk type "AG"
negotiated  sale
Designed for handling soils of all types to a depth of 5-18 cm Shuttle method, create optimal natural structure of the soil for plant growth and rolled down the top layer of soil for soil moisture conservation.These units
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The equipment for manufacture of fuel briquettes from vegetable raw materials
negotiated  sale
LLC Crystalcontrolled".Specialize in the Assembly, installation, commissioning, mobile and fixed lines for the production of fuel briquettes from vegetable raw materials. Low energy consumption, without drying,
Ukraine, Donets'ka Oblast', Kramatorsk
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Grain caster IgG-90-01 "David"
82 500 UAH  sale
Grain caster IgG-90-01 "DAVID" is designed for mechanization of loading-razgruzochnih works with the following technological operations : loading, unloading silos, loading grain in vehicles, mechanical shoveling
Ukraine, Donets'ka Oblast', Donetsk
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12. Separators purification and scalperators pre-cleaning grain on the HEAD and front of the dryer.
negotiated  sale
Pgenera from the manufacturer of the machine for purification of grain after the primary treatment on the innominate artery, BSH, the HEAD 10 and the HEAD 20 and also when loading the grain into wagons on
Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast', Zhytomyr
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13. Fibrosarcoma primary treatment of all kinds of grain. Bucket elevators. Scalperators. IGOs-50
negotiated  sale
 Pchildbirth new from the manufacturer seroochistki equipment on the HEAD, GPP, (fibrosarcoma innominate artery-25, -50, -100; bucket elevators SPC-10-100T / h, scalperators grain 50-100T / h, LMS-25, Petkus
Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast', Zhytomyr
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15. New Scalperator grain with aspiration system SKBS-5-, SCBS-100
negotiated  sale
Sell scalperators grain cleaning new from the manufacturer with an aspiration system. performance to tn\hour. aspiration or without it. Grain cleaning, drying, the use of scalperators SKBS-50 and -100 aspiration
Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast', Zhytomyr
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Woven agrotextile Agrojutex PPH15, 100g/m2
0.72 EUR  sale
AGROJUTEX - woven material of polypropylene fibers for reliable and durable protection from weeds, manufacturing concern Juta, Czech Republic.Advantages: reducing the time care for plantings; reducing the
Ukraine, Kyiv
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AGROSALON, spunbond, Agrotex, covering material, protection from weeds
2 UAH  sale
AGROSALON, spunbond, Agrotex, Agreen, Plantex Spunbond, AGROSALON - woven polypropylene material. Spunbond is very easy, eco-friendly, durable polypropylene material that provides high early yields. AGROSALON good
Ukraine, Kyiv
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24. Mounting and Dismounting ventilated bins PBE-40, PBE-160.
negotiated  sale
Mounting and Dismounting PBE-40, PBE-160. Have extensive experience performing installation work. This type of work relicensings. Offer dismantled, disassembled, assembled and prepared for installation, ventilated
Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast', Zhytomyr
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17. Scalperators pre-cleaning of grain
negotiated  sale
Sell new scalperators pre-treatment grain SKBS-50 A1-BS-100. New scalperators preliminary grain cleaning performance to tn\hour. aspiration or without it. It is especially important to install scalperator front
Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast', Zhytomyr
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Pneumatic planter HRC-8 HRC-6 (SPP-8,SPP-6)
negotiated  sale
Benefits drills type SPP: 1. When connecting the PTO, the exhauster is in motion, thereby creating a vacuum pressure, which through hoses low pressure creates a vacuum seed meter vacuum. Thanks to the vacuum,
Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
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Broom industrial, home. The band stalks sorghum, rope, wire. Length 700-800mm. The width of the slave
negotiated  sale
Broom industrial, home. The band stalks sorghum, rope, wire. Length 700-800mm. The width of the working part on the average 400 mm Have the ability to supply large quantities. Rates negotiable. Broom sorghum
Ukraine, Zaporiz'ka Oblast'
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Grain drying complex ZSPI-16
150 000 UAH  sale
Sold current grain drying complex on the basis of a dryer ZSPI-16 performance 16 tons/hour in working condition. Can be sold with additional equipment: two transit hopper drive 80 tons, two bucket 20 (50
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Automatic ventilation for greenhouses
30 $  sale
Automatic ventilation of greenhouses - full offline ventilation of greenhouses (only due to heat); - automatic opening - closing flaps of the greenhouse; - raises the transom up to 7 kg;
Ukraine, Kyiv
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