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Refined Sunflower oil

Price:8 EUR  Wholesale price:  8 EUR
Min. amount:20 case
Company:Exor Trading GmbH
Contact person:Moore Carlos Moore

Refined Sunflower Oil-Specification

Specific Density (at 20 Celsius) 0,918-0,920

Refractive index: (at 40 C) 1,467 - 1,469

Transparency of Oil max 10 fem Acidity mg

KOH % gm Oil Max: 0,1 - 0,6

Peroxide Value m/Mol 7kg

Oil max 0,1 - 0,7

Iodine, mg max 4 Iodine Value

(WIJS) 110 - 144

Moisture Volatile % max 0,06

Saponification Value, mg KOH/gm Oil 188 - 194

Phosphorus containing matter (P205) Negative

Impurities % Mass 0,5 max

Preservative Agent: according to the International Standards Anti Foaming 10mg/kg

SO Coloring Materials allowed to add according to the international Standard Artificial Flavors Antioxidants allowed to add according to the International Standards 200mg/kg but galate not more than 100mg/kg


1-The product must have its smell and taste, free from rancidity or any strange taste or smell.


2-The product should be clear, free from foreign matter.


 3-The product should be free from any oil or animal fats.


4-The product should be free from any solvents that used during extraction.

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