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Nema 34 Biploar Stepper Motor 450B 450A 118 for CNC Router

Price:  Wholesale price: 
Min. amount:1 50*30*30cm
Company:Jinan EagleTec CNC Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Contact person:Cheng Cherry
Nema 34 bipolar stepper motor for cnc router
Jinan EagleTec CNC Machinery Co.,Ltd.,a professional China CNC Router Manufacturer.

450A and 450B are the most popular bipolar stepper motor models which are used on cnc wood router machines. They are two models of NEMA 34 stepping motor. 450A is usually used on small light duty machines like 6090 cnc router; while 450B is widely used on big machines like 1325 cnc routing machine and wood door carving machine1530. Besides the above two models, more models of stepper motors can be provide for you also.  


Features of Nema 34 Step Motor Model. 85BYGH450A /86BYGH450A

Currency  4A

Step Angle 1.8°

Phase  Two

Holding Torque: 21kg/cm =2N.M = 285 OZ-IN

Shaft Diameter: 12.7 / 14mm

Net Weight: 2.4kg



Features of Bipolar Stepping Motor Model. 85BYGH450B /86BYGH450B

Currency:   5A

Step Angle: 1.8°

Phase:  Two

Holding Torque: 60kg/cm =5.88N.M =840 OZ-IN

Shaft Diameter: 12.7 / 14mm

Net Weight: 3.5kg