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Richauto DSP A11S A11E CNC Router Controller Systems

Price:  Wholesale price: 
Min. amount:1 50*30*30cm
Company:Jinan EagleTec CNC Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Contact person:Cheng Cherry

 Richauto DSP A11S A11E CNC Router Controller Systems

Jinan EagleTec CNC Machinery Co.,Ltd.,a professional China CNC Router Manufacturer.

RichAuto DSP A11S/A11E is a very common CNC motion control systems which is widely used on cnc router basic type and 3 aixs cnc router multihead type. Advantage of this cnc system is that it does not occupy computer source because it works alone, no need via a computer. While, if choose Mach 3 motion card, you need get a computer for it and use computer to operate the machine.

Similar alternative is CNC systems Weihong NK105


Full set RichAuto DSP motion control system contains 4 parts, they are  

1.     Handle / hand-held motion controller

2.     Mother card / interface board

3.     50-pin data transmission cable

4.     USB communication cable

They can be provided as full set as well as separate part.